Working with Indigenous Governments, other Non-Profit Organizations, and Provincial and Federal Governments, we are continually planning and executing restoration projects in BC’s remote coastal areas. We have successfully removed over 100,000kgs of debris from coastal and marine environments; of which 85% has been reused, repurposed, or recycled.


To date, we have surveyed approximately 80% of the west coast of Vancouver Island and collected data on marine debris distribution and high accumulation areas. We have over 2000 marine debris locations mapped throughout the West Coast, ensuring that future clean-up efforts are as targeted and effective as possible. Annual post-removal surveys will take place and an accumulation rate will be calculated.

  • DFO Canada


    Rugged Coast was contracted by Fisheries and Oceans Canada in 2022 to conduct aerial, vessel and ground surveys along the west coast of Vancouver Island and report on the distribution and abundance of debris associated with the 2021 Zim Kingston container ship spill. Our team created a methodology for surveying container ship debris on the remote and exposed BC coastline, looking at known locations of high debris accumulation and recorded all debris data during low-fly aerial, vessel and on-the-ground surveys.

  • Pacific Salmon Foundation


    Under contract from the Pacific Salmon Foundation, Rugged Coast surveyed and mapped hazardous marine infrastructure and discarded debris from industrial practices that are impacting the marine environment. From 2020 to 2022, Rugged Coast surveyed intertidal and subtidal habitats on the east coast of Vancouver Island and the northern Salish Sea, focusing on salmon-bearing estuaries, salmon migratory routes and herring spawning locations. Technicians gathered spatial data points using AcrGIS software, categorized potentially harmful infrastructure, estimated quantities and supplied photos of the findings to be used to prioritize and plan remedial action.


  • World Wildlife Foundation


    Rugged Coast was contracted by WWF Canada in 2022 to design and complete aerial and shoreline surveys to catalogue debris accumulated on the west coast of Vancouver Island as a result of the 2021 ZIM Kingston container spill. Our team created survey methodology and data collection protocols for ongoing container ship spill surveys and a georeferenced catalogue of debris on the west coast of Vancouver Island and Haida Gwaii. Rugged Coast also provided information to the Fisheries and Oceans House of Commons Standing Committee meeting on Cargo Container Ship Spills, and provided recommended policy changes.


  • Ocean Wise


    Rugged Coast has been working with Ocean Wise’s Pollution Tracker program, supporting the collection of sediment and mussel samples since 2019. These samples provide data on the relative state of marine pollution along the BC coast.


Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

Catala Island/Yellow Bluff Beach Shoreline Cleanup in Collaboration with BC Marine Trails - 500kgs

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

Deer Group Archapelago shoreline Cleanup in collaboration with Parley for the Oceans - 520kgs

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

Shoreline Clean up in collaboration with BC Marine Trails - 5,000kgs

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Jenelle Higham Jenelle Higham

Departure Bay Shoreline Cleanup in collaboration with Seize Change - 120kgs

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  • Continue cleaning debris resulting from the recent Zim Kingston shipping container spill of 109 containers which has been depositing debris along the west coast of Vancouver Island and beyond.

  • RCRS is committed to conducting a minimum of one large-scale remote shoreline cleanup each year. The focus for 2023 is Brooks Peninsula (western tip).

  • Removal of expanded polystyrene marine based structures and repurposing of materials.

  • Restoration efforts in partnership with the Nature Conservancy of Canada.

  • Removal of hazardous materials from sensitive marine habitats.

  • Removal of derelict and abandoned vessels.

  • Removal of "Ghost Gear" (fishing industry debris) from remote coastal environments.




Rugged Coast places an emphasis on educating all ages about the current ocean science, marine conservation and community sustainability issues. Our continuous goal is to engage those willing to be part of the solution.

Our presentations are catered to any age, from elementary school students to industry and professional workplaces. Please reach out if you or your organization is interested.